Dual Enrollment
DE Curriculum Information Packet
Advanced Placement & Dual Enrollment Course Guide
Advanced Placement & Dual Enrollment Course Descriptions
Advanced Academics Night Presentation
DE Calculus
Students who enroll in DE Calculus I in FCPS may earn 4 total credits for MTH 263 from NOVA. This course covers limits, derivatives, differentiation of various types of functions and use of differentiation rules, application of differentiation, antiderivatives, integrals and applications of integration. This course covers less material than AB Calculus, which covers a full semester of college calculus plus additional topics. This course is intended for students who would like to earn college calculus credit, but who need more time than is offered in AB Calculus to learn the topics covered.
Students who enroll in Chem 2 DE in FCPS may earn 3 credits for CHM 111 from NOVA. This full-year high school course, which is taken after a first-year course in chemistry, will cover topics from one semester of college chemistry. While students will have some familiarity with the topics from their first-year course, they are studied in more depth in the college-level class. The goal of this course is to become aware of the fundamental concepts and have a general understanding of chemistry. The emphasis will also be on problem solving and critical thinking skills. Topics to be covered include: Chemical Foundations; Atoms; Atomic Structure and Periodicity; Bonding; Molecules and Ions; Gases; Stoichiometry; Chemical Reactions; Thermochemistry. The general purpose of this course is to prepare the student for advanced study in science through development of: 1. Skills in problem solving and in critical thinking. 2. An understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry. 3. Understanding of the general concepts and principles of chemistry.
Early Childhood Careers
Early Childhood Careers 1 DE & Early Childhood Careers 2 DE
Students enrolled in Early Childhood Careers, ECC1 DE and ECC2 DE, simultaneously earn high school credits and Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) tuition-free college credits here on our McLean Campus. Students do not sit for an end-of- the-year AP-style exam to earn their college credits, rather students earn their college credits throughout the school year via curriculum studies, projects, and hands-on experiences in our on-campus McLean High School Munchkin Preschool early learning setting.
NOVA CHD120 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3 college credits)
Introduces early childhood development through activities and experiences in early childhood, prekindergarten, kindergarten, and primary programs. Investigates classroom organization and procedures, and use of classroom time and materials, approaches to education for young children, professionalism, and curricular procedures.
NOVA CHD145 - Teaching Art, Music, and Movement to Children (3 college credits)
Focuses on children’s exploration, play, and creative expression in the areas of art, music, and movement. Emphasis will be on developing strategies for using various open-ended media representing a range of approaches in creative thinking. Addresses strategies for intervention and support for exceptional children and English Language Learners. Includes field placement experience in our McLean High School Munchkin Preschool early learning setting.
NOVA CHD165 - Observation and Participation in Early Childhood / Primary Setting (3 college credits)
Focuses on observation as the primary method for gathering information about children in early childhood settings. Emphasizes development of skills in the implementation of a range of observation techniques and includes field placement experience in our McLean High School Munchkin Preschool early learning setting.
English 111/112
English 111/112 DE
The Dual Enrollment English 111 and English 112 course is designed to help you become a skilled reader and writer. You will achieve this by investigating essays and short books written in a variety of styles, and for a variety of purposes, while writing essays and document-based research papers that are carefully planned, drafted, and edited. This course will give you the experience of a full year of first year college level English and enable you to earn two semesters of college credit without having to sit for an end of the year exam.
English 255
English 255 DE
Students will examine literary texts across a variety of cultures, genres, and time periods. In addition, it is the intent of the course to develop critical thinking and interpretive skills through close reading, discussion, and analysis of literary texts from around the world in their historical, cultural, social, and/or literary contexts.
Entrepreneurship 1/2 (BUS 116/165)
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management
The first course students would take, Entrepreneurship, presents the various steps considered necessary when going into business. Includes areas such as product-service analysis, market research evaluation, setting up books, ways to finance startup, operations of the business, development of business plans, buyouts versus starting from scratch, and franchising. Uses problems and cases to demonstrate implementation of these techniques.
The second course in this pathway, Small Business Management, identifies management concerns unique to small businesses. Introduces the requirements necessary to initiate a small business, and identifies the elements comprising a business plan. Presents information establishing financial and administrative controls, developing a marketing strategy, managing business operations, and the legal and government relationships specific to small businesses.
These courses are Dual Enrolled through Northern Virginia Community College. Students who choose to dual enroll will receive three college credits at NVCC or will receive three business elective credits at the college of their choice* (*students must check with specific schools to make sure they will honor the credit). Students may participate in DECA, the co-curricular organization, which offers opportunities in leadership, community, and competitive events.
Geospatial Analysis
Geospatial Analysis
This full year course can be taken as a 4th science credit towards a standard or advanced diploma. Students will have the opportunity to learn and practice new skills throughout the year with increased challenge and complexity the further the course develops. Students will be using various ESRI software such as ArcGIS Online and spend the year completing a community-based research project that involves spatial reasoning and decision-making. Most of the course work will be completed during class time, with time outside of school used for personal growth and interest. Students taking this course will have the opportunity to take as dual enrollment to earn 3 credits from James Madison University. A final presentation of their project to local community leaders and to faculty at their home school and JMU is required.
Linear Algebra
DE Linear Algebra
Students who enroll in Linear Algebra in FCPS may choose to register for 3 transfer credits from George Mason University. The course is offered in the spring semester. Topics covered are linear systems of equations and transformations, matrix algebra, determinants, vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenspaces, and orthogonality. Most students take Linear Algebra during the spring semester after completing Multivariable Calculus in the fall.
Multivariable Calculus
DE Multivariable Calculus
Students who enroll in Multivariable Calculus in FCPS may choose to register for 3 transfer credits from George Mason University. The course is offered in the fall semester. Topics covered are the geometry of 3-dimensional space, 3-dimensional coordinate systems, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, iterated integrals, and line integrals. Typically, students take this course after AP Calculus BC, which is the prerequisite for the course. Most students take Linear Algebra during the spring semester after completing Multivariable Calculus in the fall.
Precalculus DE
Students who enroll in Precalculus DE in FCPS may earn 6 total credits for MTH 161 and MTH 162 from NOVA. In the first semester, the course will cover power, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and systems of equations and inequalities. In the second semester, the course will cover trigonometry, trigonometric applications including Law of Sines and Cosines, and an introduction to conics. This course is designed to be the first in a two year sequence which culminates in DE Calculus I, a course that reflects one semester of college Calculus. As such, DE Calculus I will cover less material than AP Calculus AB. Note: students taking DE Precalculus will not be qualified for, nor permitted to, enroll in AP Calculus BC.