AP Testing Information

Spring 2025 Advanced Placement (AP) Testing

AP Testing begins Monday, May 5th. Please see the schedule below for times and locations.  Students should report for morning exams by 7:45am.  Students should report for afternoon exams by 11:45am.  Students taking afternoon exams will not finish testing until 4:30pm – please plan your transportation accommodations accordingly.   

Week 1

Morning 8 a.m.

Afternoon 12 p.m.


May 5

AP Biology

AP Latin

AP Microeconomics



May 6

AP Chemistry

AP Human Geography

AP U.S. Government



May 7

AP English Literature and Composition 


AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP Computer Science A


May 8

AP African American Studies

AP Statistics

AP World History



May 9

AP United States History


AP Chinese

AP Macroeconomics 


Week 2

Morning 8 a.m.

Afternoon 12 p.m.


May 12

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC

AP Music Theory

AP Seminar


May 13

AP French Language

AP Precalculus

AP Environmental Science



May 14

AP English Language

AP German

AP Physics C: Mechanics



May 15

AP Spanish Language 


AP Computer Science Principles

AP Physics C: E & M


May 16

AP Physics 1


AP Psychology


AP Testing Early Release & Late Arrival Pre-Arranged Absence

The main testing window for AP exams is below. With parent/guardian permission, McLean HS students are allowed to be released early following an AP exam and arrive late before their scheduled AP exam. All pre-arranged absence notes (no phone calls or handwritten notes please) are due to Ms. Yates in the attendance office by April 25th. Please keep in mind that all classes will continue with instruction during AP testing, and that students are responsible for all assignments from each class. Here are the links to the early release permission slip, late arrival permission slip, and printed out copies will be available in the main office.

College Board Testing Accommodations 24-25

Students who would like to apply to the College Board for testing accommodations must submit application forms to the school before January 10, 2025 in order to provide schools time to meet the submission deadline established by the College Board.  See the links below for the College Board accommodations request calendar and application forms.  

Please note that testing accommodations listed on IEPs or 504s are not automatically granted by the College Board for AP testing, so families must apply separately to the College Board using the forms below. If a student already has College Board accommodations approved from a previous PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, or AP test, then no further action is needed. Once instated, accommodations remain in place for all College Board testing.


AP Test Opt-Out Timeline and Fees 2024-25

As part of the FCPS FY 2024 Approved Budget, FCPS is continuing to assess Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) test fees. As in previous years, the fees for the first six AP tests taken for courses in which students are enrolled for high school credit will be paid for by FCPS. Students taking AP tests without enrolling in the corresponding FCPS course are responsible for the test fee(s). 

FCPS encourages all students to take AP tests for courses in which they are enrolled. However, students will have the opportunity to opt-out of the test(s) by filling out an Opt-Out form to be provided by the school. To assist in the decision-making process, students will be provided a report with their previous tests and current AP course enrollment. AP students must make Opt-Out decisions and return the form to Student Services by Thursday, October 31st. Parents/guardians will be billed a non-refundable test fee of $99.00 in December 2024 for tests that exceed the six FCPS funded tests.  AP students who do not complete the Opt-Out form by the October 31st deadline and cancel an AP exam after that date must pay the $99.00 test fee.  AP students who register or opt back in for an AP exam after November 15th will be assessed a $40 late registration fee by the College Board. 


2024-25 FCPS AP Exam Registration and Fees

Please refer to the FCPS website for additional information on Advanced Placement (AP) Registration and Fees.


AP Exam Registration for Self-Study Students

Self-studying means that a student plans to take an AP exam for a class they are not currently enrolled in. Each AP exam a student self-studies for will cost $99. 

Please complete the self-study google form, and pay the non-refundable exam fee in MySchoolBucks by October 27th. As you consider self-studying for an exam, please check the AP Exam schedule to ensure that you do not over-schedule yourself. Exams will only be moved to the late testing schedule for extreme circumstances. Any students who join after the November 15th deadline will be required to pay a $40 late registration fee. The last day to sign up for a self-study AP exam is March 7th. If you have any additional questions, please contact the McLean Assessment Coach Elly Donlen at [email protected].