Transcript Requests

The process for obtaining school transcripts for current students or graduates.

Transcript Office

The Transcript Office is located in Student Services in the silver hallway. Please contact Susan Blalock, Transcript Assistant for inquiries.

Email: @email 

Phone: (703)714-5744

Seniors Requesting Transcripts to Be Sent to Colleges:

The McLean High School Student Services Department has an online request form for all Senior college applications and scholarship requests. The process is as follows:

1.    All Seniors wishing to have transcript sent, must complete the Consent for Release of Student Records in Support of Post-Secondary Application. This form only needs to be completed once. The form must be printed and submitted to the Transcript Office before the individual transcript requests are made online. Paper copies of the Consent Form can be picked up in Student Services on our College Forms bulletin board. 
2.    Submit a Common App Google Form at least 30 days prior to a student’s first deadline.  This form must be completed from an FCPS email account and only needs to be done once. Completing this form covers all transcripts sent via Common App. 
3.    If a student is applying by means OTHER than Common App. Ex. Parchment, mail delivery, school specific portals (ex. Univ. of California Schools, NOVA, and Georgetown), then they must complete the Transcript Request Google Form. This must be completed for EACH transcript that needs to be sent at least 30 days prior to their deadline.  

Current Students Requesting Transcripts 

If you need a transcript, certificate/verification of enrollment, or immunization record, please use the Student Records Request form.

Graduates and Former Students Requesting Transcripts

If you were last at McLean within the last 5 years and you need a transcript, certificate/verification of enrollment, or immunization record, please use the Student Records Request form. Please be sure to submit a copy of your government issued photo ID when submitting your Student Records Request Form.  There is a $5 fee for each document requested which can be paid through MySchoolBucks.

If you were last at McLean withing the last 5 years and need a Replacement Diploma, please contact the McLean Transcript Office to check the availability of ordering Replacement Diplomas.

Student records are kept at McLean High School for 5 years.

Former Students Who Graduated More Than Five Years Ago

  • If you graduated from McLean High School more than five years ago, your transcript is held at the FCPS Records Center. Please call 703-329-7741 or email Records Center at @email.

Graduated More Than Five Years Ago?