Career Resources Occupational Outlook Handbook(link is external) - Descriptions of hundreds of occupations O*Net(link is external) - Online occupation search tool Bureau of Labor Statistics(link is external) - U.S. Department of Labor statistics Virginia Apprenticeship Programs(link is external) - Information about all registered apprenticeship programs in VA Job Corps(link is external) - A free education and training program Virginia Education Wizard(link is external) - Virginia’s college and career planning resource Virginia CTE Resource Center(link is external) - A guide to career and technical education Virginia Department of Education(link is external) - A system of Virginia career development partners Career OneStop(link is external) - An online career guide is external) - An online job search tool Naviance(link is external) - Naviance Student provides middle and high school students with individual Academic and Career Plan (ACP)(link is external) resources and tools to explore and prepare for postsecondary college and career planning options.