Student Recognition

This page is a tribute to the remarkable achievements of McLean's students, organized by quarter. Please email Ms. Donoghue ([email protected]) to have a student or group recognized on this page.


3rd Quarter Recognitions

McLean Students Place at Fairfax County Regional Science & Engineering Fair

McLean Highlanders brought home top honors at the Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair!

  • Grand Prize Winner & 1st Place Award: Chloe Giglio - VISTA Inhibitor CA170 Synergizes with KRAS Vaccine in Lung Cancer
  • Grand Prize Nominee & 1st Place Award: Suyeon (Emily) Moon - Microplastic Effects on Plant Growth
  • Grand Prize Nominee & 1st Place Award: Alex Gan - Air Pollution and Population Density Correlation in the DMV Region
  • 2nd Place Award: Jonathan Li - Robust and Adaptive AI Models for Medication Usage Forecasting Using ICD-9/10 Code
  • 3rd Place Award: Sarah Li - An Analysis of AI Autonomous Agents in Web Browsing and Navigation
  • 3rd Place Award: Alicia Yu - A Study of the Effects of Time Dilation on a Cancer Cell Model
  • Honorable Mention: Anna Wang - Comparison of Gene Expression Profiles of Gastric Cancer Tissues in Chinese and Korean Patients
  • Honorable Mention: Yueun Sim - The Relationship Between a Robot's Ability to Balance and the Modeling of Human Feet

McDance-a-Thon Raises Over $43,000 for Children's National Hospital

McDance-a-Thon held a seven-hour dance marathon to raise funds for the Fund for Every Child at Children's National Hospital. The Fund for Every Child enables the hospital to provide care to every child and family in need. Families who are uninsured or underinsured receive world-class care, increasing healthcare access and equity in our community. It supports special services like art and music therapy that helps kids be kids during their hospital stay, and it advances promising research that leads to new treatments and cures for childhood's most challenging conditions.

Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band Earn Superior Ratings

Congratulations to the McLean Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band for earning Superior Ratings at VBODA Concert Assessment! Our students gave two incredible performances and we are proud of you!

McLean Students Place into Virginia All-State Orchestra

Congratulations to the following orchestra students for placing into this
year’s Virginia All-State Orchestra!

  • Violin: Sophia Wang
  • Viola: Guillermo Javierre Carmona & Livia Nhan
  • Cello: Chloe Jeong

McLean Students Excel in North American Computational Linguistics Open Competition

Congratulations to sophomores Sarah Li and Allegra O'Grady for their performance in this year’s North American Computational Linguistics Open Competition. They ranked first and second place in Virginia in the open round and advanced to the invitational round. Special thanks to Ms. Minutello, the sponsor of the computational linguistics club McLing, for her support. Anyone interested in linguistics, logic, or puzzles is welcome to join McLing to learn together!

USAMO Qualifiers

USAMO QualifiersCongratulations to Kalan Warusa and Jeffrey Yin for qualifying for the USAMO competition. Their passion for mathematics and hard work has resulted in this outstanding achievement. Both Kalan and Jeffrey excelled in the competitions leading to the USAMO, such as the AMC 12 and AIME tests. Only approximately 250 students nationwide qualify to take this proof-based, 9-hour assessment based on their AMC 12 and AIME test scores. So please join us in congratulating them on this very prestigious accomplishment and wish them luck!  

Julie Campbell Receives Abraham Lincoln Award at AFJROTC Youth Leadership Conference!

Image of Julie receiving her awardCongratulations to Cadet Julie Campbell! She and three other cadets attended the Youth Leadership Conference. Julie received the Abraham Lincoln Award recognizing her as a part of the best overall group as selected by the cadre!

McLean Students Excel in Biology Olympiad

Congratulations to McLean High School sophomores Chloe Giglio and Natalie Wang for their outstanding performance in the 2025 USA Biology Olympiad! Chloe and Natalie have qualified as semifinalists in this prestigious national competition. We wish them the best of luck as they advance to the next round!

DECA Students Advance to International Career Development Conference

We are very proud of the work all attendees put in for their events and projects. We have nine competitors advancing to the International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida!

  • Accounting Applications: Kostiantyn Zakharov
  • Franchise Business Plan: Akshara Kambam, Sara Ridjanovic, Annika Ryerson
  • Hotel & Lodging Management: Titus Powars
  • Human Resources Management: Angelina Yang
  • International Business Plan: Yara Hamandi, Riya Jain
  • Principles of Entrepreneurship: Leah Fontaine

Students receiving recognition for their test or case study performance: Marie Christofferson, Brooke Hawken, Jane Hirschberg, Maged Al Qabany, Ravi Reddy, Patrick Findley, Sophie Zhang.

Merit Award Recipient: Georgio Skordalakis

VA DECA Honor Society: Emery Cartwright, David Zeng

Quiz Bowl Takes 2nd in the State!

McLean's Quiz Bowl team finished second in the state! Congratulations on an outstanding season!

McLean High School Science Olympiad Advances to State Tournament!

McLean High School proudly congratulates the Science Olympiad team on their outstanding achievements in the 2024-2025 season! After an impressive performance at the University of Mary Washington National-Ready Regional on March 1, 2025, the team has earned a bid to the Virginia State Science Olympiad Tournament, which will be held on March 29, 2025, at the University of Virginia. Their success is a testament to the students' dedication, perseverance, and passion for STEM.

Tournament Results

University of Mary Washington National-Ready Regional (March 1, 2025)

1st place – Write It Do It – Annie Gao, Harry Yu
2nd place – Robot Tour – Haoping Du, Andy Wu
2nd place – Tower – Andy Wu, Yeonggwon Cho
3rd place – Anatomy and Physiology – Joshua Lee (11th), Marie Dalton
4th place – Disease Detectives – Joshua Lee (11th), Fern Fang
7th place – Electric Vehicle – Haoping Du, Harry Yu
7th place – Experimental Design – Annie Gao, Siyoon Kim, Nadia Mansourian
9th place – Dynamic Planet – Anne Zhang, Brandon Kong
9th place – Entomology – Fern Fang, Ben Barnes
9th place – Microbe Mission – Joshua Lee (11th), Fern Fang
9th place- Optics – Haoping Du, Yeonggwon Cho
9th place – Electric Vehicle – Pranav Budharaju, Connor Barlotta
9th place – Anatomy & Physiology – Emma Tsao, Michelle Park

Carnegie Mellon University Tournament (February 15, 2025)

1st place – Anatomy and Physiology – Joshua Lee (11th), Emma Tsao
2nd place – Tower – Andy Wu, Yeonggwon Cho
3rd place – Electric Vehicle – Haoping Du, Andy Wu
4th place – Microbe Mission – Joshua Lee (11th), Fern Fang
5th place – Robot Tour – Haoping Du, Andy Wu
6th place – Disease Detectives – Joshua Lee (11th), Anne Zhang

Virginia Tech Invitational Tournament (February 1, 2025)

2nd place – Write It Do It – Joshua Lee (9th), Aidan Zhang
2nd place – Tower – Yeonggwon Cho, Haoping Du
2nd place – Electric Vehicle – Haoping Du, Ben Barnes
3rd place – Disease Detectives – Joshua Lee (11th), Anne Zhang
3rd place – Ecology – Siyoon Kim, Yang Wu
3rd place – Experimental Design – Siyoon Kim, Nadia Mansourian, Joshua Lee (9th)
3rd place – Microbe Mission – Joshua Lee (11th), Michelle Park
4th place – Astronomy – Anne Zhang, Brandon Kong

Congratulations to the McLean High Science Olympiad team for their incredible achievements this season! We look forward to their continued success at the State Tournament on March 29, 2025, at the University of Virginia. Go Highlanders!

McLean Students Shine at Scholastic Writing Awards!

Congratulations to our talented student writers! McLean High School is proud to announce that many of our students received recognition in the 2025 DC Metro Scholastic Writing Awards, including 7 Gold Keys, 12 Silver Keys, and 22 Honorable Mentions. A panel of professional novelists, editors, teachers, poets, librarians, journalists, and other literary professionals selected these works from 2,619 works submitted this year!

Congratulations to our Gold Key winners: Chloe Giglio, Alex Li, Jonathan Li, Sandi Schneider, Saachi Thomas, Alicia Yau, and Ava Zhang! 

The full list of awards can be found here.

Gymnastics District Championship

Highlander Gymnastics Team Wins Liberty District Championship!

Boys Swim and Dive District Championship

McLean Boys Swim & Dive Win District Championship!

Quiz Bowl Regional Championship

McLean Quiz Bowl Wins Regional Championship!

Orchestra's German Trip

McLean Orchestra's German Adventure!

Last week, the McLean Philharmonic Orchestra traveled to Detmold, Germany to participate in their annual exchange program with the Grabbe Gymnasium. While in Germany, students played side-by-side rehearsals with the Detmold Youth Orchestra daily, while also sightseeing and learning about German history and culture. Students were welcomed to Detmold with visits by both the Mayor and Prince of Lippe, both of which educated students on the region’s rich history of music. The small city of Detmold is most well-known for its world-renowned Conservatory for Music, featuring a state-of-the-art wave field synthesis system, where students learn about the power of acoustics. The trip came to its peak with a side-by-side concert featuring the American and German orchestras performing Schubert’s β€œUnfinished Symphony,” Grieg’s β€œSigurd Jorsalfar Suite,” Polar Express, and more. The trip ended with a day trip to Cologne as well as a day trip to Amsterdam before returning home.

Choir's Iceland Trip

McLean Choir's Icelandic Expedition!

The Choir department's tour to ReykjavΓ­k, Iceland, was an unforgettable adventure filled with breathtaking landscapes and inspiring performance. We explored vast lava fields and marveled at powerful geysers, immersing ourselves in the country's raw natural beauty. Touring HallgrΓ­mskirkja, we were in awe of its striking architecture before performing in its magnificent space.  

Experiencing whales playing in the harbor while we performed outside of the capital was truly awe inspiring as we watched these majestic creatures in the waves of the Atlantic reminded us of the majesty of the natural world. We caught a mesmerizing lava show, experiencing the heat and glow of molten rock up close. A sudden blizzard added drama to our journey, contrasting with the stunning 15-hour nights that bathed ReykjavΓ­k in an eerie, ethereal glow. Through it all, our voices echoed in harmony with Iceland's wild and wondrous spirit. It was an unforgettable experience.

2nd Quarter Recognitions

Science Olympiad: University of Maryland Baltimore County Tournament

1st place – Tower – Andy Wu, Yeonggwon Cho
1st place – Anatomy and Physiology – Joshua Lee (11th), Marie Dalton
2nd place – Dynamic Planet – Anne Zhang, Aidan Zhang
2nd place – Entomology – Fern Fang, Nadia Mansourian
2nd place – Experimental Design – Annie Gao, Siyoon Kim, Nadia Mansourian
2nd place – Microbe Mission – Joshua Lee (11th), Fern Fang
3rd place – Astronomy – Anne Zhang, Aidan Zhang
3rd place – Codebusters – Annie Gao, Yang Wu, Yeonggwon Cho
3rd place – Disease Detectives – Joshua Lee (11th), Anne Zhang
3rd place – Robot Tour – Andy Wu, Haoping Du

FBLA Regional Competition

FBLA Regional Competition

On Wednesday, January 29th the regional competition for Future Business Leaders of America was held at Edison HS. FBLA is the largest business career & technical student organization in the world. The following McLean HS students competed and placed in events:

  • Accounting – 3rd place – Henry MobleyMcLean DECA students with their medals
  • Broadcast Journalism – 1st place – Emily An and Chelsea Gong
  • Computer Gaming & Simulation Programming – 2nd place – Atticus Cheng
  • Financial Statement Analysis – 2nd place – Prashim Rijal and Georgio Skordalakis
  • Future Business Educator – 1st place -Aryan Rathour
  • Graphic Design- 1st place – Alan Wang
  • Human Resource Management – 3rd place – Sara Ridjanovic
  • Insurance & Risk Management – 5th place – David Zeng
  • Introduction to Information Technology – 5th place – Nahom Kidane
  • Introduction to Programming – 5th place – Caleb Green and Nahom Kidane
  • Mobile Application Development – 2nd place – Hemish Prateek Malekar and Aditya Thakuria
  • Public Policy & Advocacy – 3rd place – Diego Lowe
  • Public Speaking – 1st place – Diego Lowe
  • Sales Presentation – 1st place  - Maged Al Qabany, Giri Allamsetty, Sophie Zhang
  • Securities & Investments – 2nd place – Chrysostomos Tsiglifis
  • Social Media Strategies – 3rd place – Yara Hamandi and Riya Jain
  • UX Design – 3rd place – Wonwoo Do
  • Visual Design – 2nd place – Deren Dervis and Youssef Malty

Students will move onto to competing at the state competition in April.

Scholastic Regional Awards

McLean High School Artists Sweep the Scholastics Regional Art Awards!

McLean's Visual Arts students had another successful year at the Scholastics Regional Art Awards. Over 1400 teen artists submitted 3500 artworks to the awards in our region. McLean students earned a total of 136 awards including gold key, silver keys, and honorable mentions, which is more awards than any other school in the county!

A special congratulations to two students who were recognized as American Vision Nominees: Cindy Chan and Alan Wang. Our region only sends 5 such nominees to be reviewed during National adjudication when a panel of judges will choose one of these works to receive the American Visions Award for our region. The American Visions Award is considered the best individual artwork from our region so it is a huge honor to have 2 out of the 5 nominees come from McLean High School!

All-District Band Auditions

McLean Students Excel at All-District Band Auditions!

Congratulations to all our students who auditioned for the All-District Bands! McLean High School, once again, has the most number of students in All-District and the highest number of students eligible to audition for All-Virginia.

These students will be participating in the event January 30 - February 1 at Oakton High School and working with some of the best guest conductors in the United States. Dr. Kevin Sedatole from Michigan State University will be conducting the Wind Ensemble. Dr. Chris Cicconi from James Madison University will be conducting the Symphonic Band. William Owens, composer and conductor, will be conducting the Middle School Band.

Here are the results for McLean:

*denotes All-VA eligible

^denotes 1st chair principal player



  • Aneek Mandall – Symphonic Band^


  • Michael Lee – Wind Ensemble*
  • Dassine Aknine – Symphonic Band
  • Kaylee Newgen – Alternate


  • Sue Lee – Wind Ensemble*
  • Vivienne Holly – Wind Ensemble
  • Nora Yang – Symphonic Band
  • Aleena Lan – Symphonic Band


  • Muyang Zhang – Wind Ensemble*^
  • Lilia Vallo – Symphonic Band*^
  • Karen Sim – Symphonic Band
  • Enrico Guertin – Symphonic Band
  • Emma Harmon – Alternate

Bb Clarinet:

  • Tyler Jeong – Wind Ensemble*^
  • Trevor Newgen – Wind Ensemble*
  • Jamie Hosken – Symphonic Band^
  • Anah Pho – Symphonic Band
  • Claire Lee – Symphonic Band
  • Kaitlin McWilliams – Symphonic Band
  • Lisa Swers – Symphonic Band
  • Alexa Krystopolski – Symphonic Band
  • Isabel Christensen – Symphonic Band
  • Luanne Zhang – Alternate
  • Nicholas Whiteree - Alternate

Bass Clarinet:

  • Kaitlin McWilliams – Wind Ensemble*^
  • Will Vedder – Wind Ensemble*
  • Ginevra Saunders – Symphonic Band^
  • Gia Ayers – Symphonic Band

Alto Saxophone:

  • Luke Callanen – Wind Ensemble^*
  • Natalie Maraist – Symphonic Band

Tenor Saxophone:

  • Hayden Schweikert – Wind Ensemble*^
  • Evie Davison – Symphonic Band

Baritone Saxophone:

  • Victoria Wauters – Symphonic Band


  • Blake Powell – Wind Ensemble*
  • Britt Holly – Symphonic Band


  • Marco Femia – Wind Ensemble*
  • Alvin Chen – Wind Ensemble*
  • Michael Chung – Symphonic Band
  • Joshua Lee – Symphonic Band

Tenor Trombone:

  • Kyle Li – Symphonic Band
  • Claire Baiyang – Symphonic Band
  • Benjamin Zeng – Alternate

Bass Trombone:

  • Jason Lin – Symphonic Band


  • Andy Wu – Wind Ensemble*
  • Andrew Foster – Symphonic Band
  • Matthew LaPointe – Symphonic Band
  • Dylan Branton – Symphonic Band


  • Rishi Vinod – Symphonic Band
  • Aditya Hathi – Symphonic Band
  • Agathiya Ramalingam – Symphonic Band

String Bass:

  • Anna Sargent – Wind Ensemble*^


  • Jonathan Leong – Wind Ensemble^*
  • Fintan Murphy – Wind Ensemble*
  • John Farrell – Symphonic Band^

McLean Model UN wins Best Small Delegation at VAMUN!

16 dedicated students attended the Virginia Model United Nations Conference hosted by UVA in Charlottesville. This is a national conference hosting 1000 delegates from across the country over a 3-day period. In a rare feat, all of McLean's students won an award. Not only did everyone win an award, McLean High School won the Best Small Delegation award! Please congratulate the following students for their outstanding achievements: Minsong Ha, Emily Ma, Maged Al Qabany, Arsen Hakobyan, Nora Venetianer, Ravi Reddy, Jane Hirschberg, Jad Osta, Daniel Kim, Lucas Jones, Aanya Jain, Andrew Egorin, Kyle Jang, Annika Singh, Artin Safaie, and Mia Mortman.

McLean's Publication Staff Earns Top Honors from NSPA & JEA

McLean High School’s journalism programs were well represented at the National Scholastic Press Association / Journalism Education Association Convention in Boston November 7-9. 



The Highlander Newsmagazine from McLean High School was recognized as a Pacemaker Finalist. McLean was one of just 45 schools in the nation, and one of only two in the state of Virginia, to receive this recognition. (Adviser: Lindsay Benedict; Editors-in-chief: Tanner Coerr, Dania Reza, Philip Rotondo, Madeleine Stigall, Natalie Vu)


In the BEST OF SHOW COMPETITION, the following publications were recognized:


Literary Magazine

Fifth Place - The Tartan, McLean High School, McLean, Virginia

Lindsay Benedict & Seth Leblanc, Advisers


Yearbook (257-304 Pages)

Seventh Place – Caledonia, McLean High School, McLean, Virginia
Meghan Percival, adviser

Newsmagazine (enrollment of 1,800 or more)

Second Place - The Highlander, McLean High School, McLean, Virginia

Lindsay Benedict, Adviser


NSPA also announced their NSPA Individual Award Winners.. McLean’s yearbook, newsmagazine and broadcast staffs earned recognition in seven separate categories. The competition is rigorous with just nine percent of the 4,800 entries earning finalist status. 


Caledonia Yearbook, McLean High School
Adviser: Meghan Percival

FIRST PLACE - Category: Design of the Year: Yearbook Theme

Editors-in-chief: Sarah Beach, Hailey Buursink, Alexandria Greenstone, Kate Joo, Lainey Mallard, Lexi Reddy, Aidan Shaughnessy, Malia Solomon, 


HONORABLE MENTION - Category: Design of the Year: Infographics

Designers: Lexi Reddy & Annika Ryerson


WMHS Broadcast News, McLean High School
Adviser: Lindsay Benedict

HONORABLE MENTION - Category: Portfolio of the Year: Broadcast Journalist of the Year

Reporter: Karina Bhatt


FOURTH PLACE - Category: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Reporting

Reporters: Tanner Coerr, Cece Harmon, Zach Jones


The Highlander Newsmagazine, McLean High School
Adviser: Lindsay Benedict

FIFTH PLACE - Category: Digital Story of the Year: Multimedia News Story

Reporters: Ella Herrera, Sakura Mogami


SECOND PLACE - Category: Story of the Year: Sports Story

Reporter: Tanner Coerr


FIFTH PLACE - Category: Reporting on Systemic Change: Fred Ross Journalism Competition

Reporter: Allie Deutsch

DECA District Competition

McLean had another great day at the DECA District Competition, held at Oakton High School on October 14th. The following students placed Top Four, which earned them an invitation to attend States in Virginia Beach, February 28th – March 2nd, 2025:


Maged Al Qabany                          1st place              Hotel & Lodging Management

Giri Allamsetty                               2nd place             Retail Merchandising

Theodore Anishraj                         2nd place             Marketing Communications

Atticus Cheng                                 2nd place            Principles of Business Administration

Eric Chun                                        1st place              Principles of Finance

Jack Davidson                                2nd place            Business Services Marketing

Patrick Findlay                                1st place              Business Services Marketing

Leah Fontaine                                4th place              Principles of Entrepreneurship

Brooke Hawken                              1st place              Principles of Entrepreneurship

Jane Hirschberg                             3rd place             Principles of Hospitality & Tourism

Aanya Jain                                       4th place            Principles of Hospitality & Tourism

Aleena Lan                                      4th place             Food Marketing 

Henry Mobley                                2nd place             Accounting Applications

Adeline Parrish                              4th place              Accounting Applications

Titus Powars                                   2nd place            Hotel & Lodging Management

Ravi Reddy                                      1st place             Principles of Marketing

Artin Safaie                                     2nd place            Quick Service Restaurant Management

Sydney Walker                               3rd place             Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Konstiantyn Zakhorav                   1st place              Accounting Applications

McLean’s Publications Earn Trophy Class Ratings from VHSL

At this weekend’s VHSL Media Championship, McLean’s literary magazine, newsmagazine, online news, and yearbook staffs earned Trophy Class ranking for their 2023-24 publications from the Virginia High School League’s (VHSL) Publications Evaluation Services. Trophy Class is the highest ranking bestowed by VHSL.

McLean High School was the only school in the state to earn Trophy Class Ratings for four publications!


Trophy Class winners include:

Magazine Division

McLean High School, β€œThe Tartan,” Lindsay Benedict & Seth LeBlanc, advisers


Newsmagazine Division

McLean High School, β€œThe Highlander,” Lindsay Benedict, adviser


Online News Division

McLean High School, β€œThe Highlander Online,” Lindsay Benedict, adviser


Yearbook Division

McLean High School, β€œCaledonia,” Meghan Percival, adviser


In addition, McLean students won the following awards in the VHSL Multimedia Contest:


Photograph - First – James Fatemi, McLean HS

Photograph - Third – Natalie Wang, McLean HS

Drawing - Third – Alan Wang, McLean HS

Painting - Third – Alexia Bodet, McLean HS

Prose Spread - First – Jiayin Zou, Laurus Wang & Angela Yang, McLean HS

Poetry - Third – Yinlin Zhao, McLean HS

Poetry Spread - Second – Mia Tran-Luu, Rita Dray & Angela Yang, McLean HS 

Poetry Spread - Third – Fern Fang, Seorin Kwak & Jiayin Zou, McLean HS 

Short Fiction - Second – Yinlin Zhao, McLean HS 



Straight News/News Feature - First – Alan Tang, Minsong Ha & Aaron Stark, McLean HS

Sports News - First – Tanner Coerr, McLean HS

Feature: Human Interest/Personality - First – Ryan Kang & Minsong Ha, McLean HS

Feature: Human Interest/Personality - Second – Tanner Coerr, McLean

Feature: In-Depth/ Informative - First – Nimera Shanil, Minsong Ha, Allie Deutsch, Zakareya Hamed & Sakura Mogami, McLean HS

Feature: In-Depth/ Informative - Third – Aaron Stark, Andrew Lohman, Ryan Kang & Zakareya Hamed, McLean HS

Bylined Personal Opinion/Column - Second – Philip Rotondo & Sophia Weil, McLean HS

Review - Third – Sandra Cheng, McLean HS

Photo: Sports-Second – Andrew Lohman, McLean HS

Inside Page Layout/Spread-First – Natalie Vu, McLean HS

Newsmagazine Cover - Third – Natalie Vu & Philip Rotondo, McLean HS 



Sports Coverage - Third – Lainey Mallard & Sarah Beach, McLean HS 

Candid Photo - Third – James Fatemi, McLean HS

Sports Photo - First – James Fatemi, McLean HS

Infographics/Secondary Packaging - First – Lexi Reddy, Keely Solomon & Maddie Gorsline, McLean HS 



News Package- First – Nico Christofferson & Connor Lang, McLean HS

Feature Package - First – Karina Bhatt & Hannah Hadeed, McLean HS

Sports Package- First – Nico Christofferson, Jith Sequeira & Mikey Souza, McLean HS

Video Story - Joana Ramos & Hannah Hadeed, McLean HS

Student Artwork Spotted at Dulles Airport

Student ArtworkAs McLean Philharmonic Orchestra members were walking to heir gate in Dulles Airport, students spotted a familiar face on the wall. Jacob Xu’s Scholastic Art Competition winning self portrait is displayed right outside the KLM check-in area. Congratulations Jacob!

McLean HS All-District Bands Results

Congratulations to all our students who auditioned for the All-District Bands! McLean High School, once again, has the most number of students in All-District and the highest number of students eligible to audition for All-Virginia.

These students will be participating in the event January 30 - February 1 at Oakton High School and working with some of the best guest conductors in the United States. Dr. Kevin Sedatole from Michigan State University will be conducting the Wind Ensemble. Dr. Chris Cicconi from James Madison University will be conducting the Symphonic Band. William Owens, composer and conductor, will be conducting the Middle School Band.

Congratulations to all!

MHS Ethics Bowl Team Success

Ethics BowlCongratulations to the McLean High School Ethics Bowl team! The group participated in the Virginia High School Ethics Bowl in Richmond last weekend and made it to the finals. 

MHS Student Selected to Represent USA in Traditional Karate World Championship

Karate ChampionshipMcLean High School junior, Atul Kotamraju, proudly represented the United States at the Traditional Karate World Championship in Lima, Peru earlier this  November. He brought home three bronze medals! Congratulations, Atul, on this impressive accomplishment!

MHS Sophomore Competes for USA Aerobic Gymnastics

Shirley WangCongratulations to Shirley Wang! For the second consecutive year, Shirley is defending her spot in finals, securing the top 8 out of the best in the Continent of the Americas (Pan American Championship). 

McLean Senior Wins World Championship in Powerlifting

PowerliftingMikayla Dolina, McLean High School senior, won the International Powerlifting League (IPL) Drug-tested World Championship on November 14, 2024.  Mikayla is now the IPL World Champion in the Junior (15-19 year old), 67.5 Kg women's class.  The competition brought in lifters from multiple countries, including the US, Canada, Argentina, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Cameroon, Guinea, the Republic of Nauru, and others. 

Congratulations Mikayla!

1st Quarter Recognitions

MHS Marching Band Wins State Championship

Congratulations to the McLean Highlander Marching Band on winning the 2024 USBands Virginia State Championship last Saturday night. The band also won all caption awards for Best Music, Best Visual, Best Effect, Best Percussion, and Best Guard. This is the 5th time that our Marching Band has won the State Championship. We are very proud of all our students for their hard work and performance. Congratulations on the end to a very successful season!

Marching Band Wins

VHSL Trophy Class Winners & Multimedia Contest Winners

At this weekend’s VHSL Media Championship, McLean’s literary magazine, newsmagazine, online news, and yearbook staffs earned Trophy Class ranking for their 2023-24 publications from the Virginia High School League’s (VHSL) Publications Evaluation Services. Trophy Class is the highest ranking bestowed by VHSL.

McLean High School was the only school in the state to earn Trophy Class Ratings for four publications!

Check our website for the complete list of winners!

MHS Cheer Success!

MHS Cheer!Congratulations to McLean High School's Cheerleading Team! They finished in the top four of the Region last weekend!

Go Highlanders!


McLean Hosts a Successful Homecoming!

The McLean High School Highlanders had another successful Homecoming this year! The pep-rally, bonfire, football game and dance were fun for everyone. Thanks to all for participating! 



Senior Regional Orchestra Members

Congratulations to the students who auditioned for and were accepted into the 2024 Northern Virginia Senior Regional Orchestra! The students listed below auditioned alongside students from Fairfax County, Arlington County, Alexandria City, private and home schools and have been chosen to perform in a full symphony under the direction of Dietrich Parades on November 9th at Hayfield SS. McLean High School is extremely proud to have had so many talented students accepted into this prestigious orchestra!

Violin: Ryan Chun, Sophia Wang & Alice Kim

Viola: Guillermo Javierre Carmona & Livia Nhan

Cello: Chloe Jeong & Caleb Han

Harp: Goldie Woods

Bassoon: Muyang Zhang

Percussion: Fintan Murphy

MHS Marching Band Sweeps 1st Place at Marine Corps Invitational

BandCongratulations to our McLean Highlander Marching Band for their second win of the season on Saturday, October 5th! The band traveled to the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium in Annapolis to participate in the Marine Corps Invitational. McLean swept the competition and took home 1st Place Overall and awards for Best Music, Best Guard, Best Visual, Best Effect and Best Percussion. Their toe-tapping show, Big Country, brought down the house and topped the 33 band competition with the highest score of the day -- an impressive 88.2 points. Go Highlanders!


National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists

National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists 2025Please join us in congratulating our McLean High School National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists! Over 1.3 million juniors across 21,000 high schools entered the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) in 2023. The students below have been identified as being among the 16,000 semifinalists based on their performance on this assessment. They also have the opportunity to continue in the next step of the competition to become finalists. 

Back row, left to right: Axel Lundback, David Sheng, Jakob Siyoni, Aileen Wu, Anaya Batish, Lisa Hu, Tranh-Hoa Tran-Luu, and Blake Powell

Front row, left to right: Lauren Wood, Peyton Rydzewski, Andrew Egorin, Eric Xue, Phoebe Jang, Claire Yan, Aria Colaco, and Rachel Noh